5 Things You Should Keep Away If You Want Your Loved Ones To Always Love You


5 Things You Should Keep Away If You Want Your Loved Ones To Always Love You


“Time changes people” is true in today’s world. People have changed from what they used to be. This change is however not always acceptable by the people who love you and who know the real you. This is so because this change is in your behaviour and attitude, which makes your relation with people to change.  They always love the real you and not the changed version of yours. This change is because of many reasons, which you should keep away from yourself if you want them to be with you.

  • Always try that your EGO is not larger than a MOLE:

    EGO – This three letter word has got some magic in it. It changes a person’s relationships very easily. Obviously a negative change. This word is residing so deep in our heart that we often forget that our loved ones are more important. We have got such a big Ego that we easily break our relationships with people around us. And the truth is nobody loves an egoist. So always try to leave your pride, your ego, when you are with your close friends and family. They’ll definitely love this version of yours and will love you more. It will make your relations better.

  • Don’t MISUNDERSTAND things.

    Don’t allow the word MISUNDERSTANDING to ever come in between your relations. It is the main cause of many fights. People misunderstand things and don’t even try to clear that out. Ultimately there are broken hearts. So always trust people and clear things before reacting. It will help you to save your relations.

  • Don’t ASSUME things.

    ASSUMPTIONS also ruin many relationships. We think that we know our friends or maybe family and so assume things. But we are not always true. Before assuming always talk and know the real thing. This usually happens when our friend is sad. We assume that he or she needs time. But what they need is we, our friendship and our presence. This was just a small example of assumption, there are even bigger assumptions than this. So always talk before assuming and you will really feel better.

  • Always try to be TRUSTWORTHY for those who trusts you.

    Never do things or hide things which can ruin people’s trust on you. Whatever may happen, think about them and then act. Otherwise there are chances to lose their trust and ultimately what will be left would be a just a weak relation like “Two strangers acting like friends”.

  • Always avoid IGNORANCE.

    Show your anger, shout, fight, do whatever you want to but never ignore people especially who are close to you. If you are hurt make them realize that. This ignorance can create misunderstandings and ruin your relationship. Screw up that person, but just don’t ignore because even you know their importance and you’ll definitely not want them to leave you just like that.

always love you

If you keep these things away, people will surely love you.
The world is a greater mirror. It reflects back what you are. If you are loving, friendly and helpful to people, they’ll be same to you. So always be a good person and spread love.


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Tanvi Taparia