5 TV Shows You Must Watch If You Are A Food Addict



1]  HOMP:-“Highway on my plate”


These two men ’ROCKY and MAYUR’  who are perfect examples of your profound love for food can never grow old take you places and give their reviews about the must eat food in various cities not only that how can we neglect their Score Card ;Price Menu that includes  free tips and last but not the least the ‘food quote’

2] Vicky goes VEG

vicky goes veg

If you are a vegetarian and find yourself ‘in a bit of pickle ‘ with all the meat friendly food shows our gourmet guru Vicky Ratnani  has a few recipes with a continental or an Indian touch that you could live by

3] Nigella’s Kitchen

 nigellas kitchen

Ever wondered why is it a mystery that most girls have a sweet tooth craving .She is the reason why !!!her show is jam packed with yummy recipes that has the perfect fix for all the late night cravings and quick on the go recipes

4] Hotel Hell

hotel hell

want a food show with a surprise Element?? here is your answer .The show includes the Simon Cowell of the ‘FOOD TALENT SHOWS’ ..YES you Guessed it is none other than Gordon Ramsay known for his no- Nonsense stlyle and blunt opinions  .Watch him revamp  hotels in need of help that  have a load of problems, from dirty bedrooms to incompetent staff

5] Master chef

master chef

One of the world’s most loved food show it is …A Master chef final is definitely an Indian equivalent to the world cup finals for the food lovers .Why not ??It has a perfect list of contestants from different regions battle their culinary skills with the most intriguing ingredients in the elimination rounds and not to forget the interesting battle between the red and blue team.

 – Khyati Kotiyan

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