5 Types Of Painfully Stupid Friends You Should Stay Away In Your Teenage



#1. Flirts and Sweet talkers:

Friends who flatter with their sweet talks and cheat you behind your back should be avoided. Be with someone who is down to earth and true to what they claim.


#2. Self-centered friend:

A friend who keeps on asking for help but never turns up when you need help. There is no point in maintaining a one-sided friendship.


#3. Sarcastic friend:

A friend who always finds out faults and negative things even if anything good or positive is happening with you. This person can never be happy and kill your mood as soon as they start a conversation with you. It is better to avoid such friend who can only bring depressing thoughts in your mind.


#4. Angry egoistic friend:

It is very essential to stay far far away from such egoistic friends who can change their mood in seconds – keep you happy when they are happy and kick you like a punching bag when they are frustrated. Moreover, they would never admit their mistakes or ask for forgiveness and expect you to act normal as nothing ever happened.


#5. Imitating friend:

A friend who is sooo inspired by YOU that he can copy they way you look, behave, talk, write and take decisions. This is really hurting as your originality is doubted and you have to keep looking for new ideas and changes in yourself to show the world that you are unique and different.


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