5 Types of Super-Amazing Professors You Will Surely Find On Your College Campus


Check out the 5 types of professors you will definitely find on your college campus:


1) “Entertaining Professor”-

This type of professor makes learning easy and fun. You will wish this professor to take up all your subjects because he would teach you in a way where you would end up befriending him and miss him / her when they are not taking classes. He / she would be the most memorable professor.


2) “Stylish Professor” –

This type of professor is so young and cool types that you have a big-time crush on him / her. Their sexy and know-it-all attitude makes you attend each and every lecture of this professor. They will wear jeans, flip flops and arrange desks in a circle and sit in one of the desks among you. You can also expect dirty jokes in the class and find many students trying to develop a relationship with this professor.


3) “Hard-Ass Professor” –

This type of professor is a very very bad teacher who cares a lot about attendance and class participation. He / she is very strict and always keep warning that if you misbehave in the class, your internal marks will be deducted. It is very challenging to attend his / her class because they would make a note of each and every action of yours and keep you taunting throughout the semester.


4) “Happy-go-lucky Professor” –

This type of professor is completely opposite to the above professor. He / she gives every opportunity to score an A in the class and really doesn’t want you to do any work or cares a damn about attendance and class participation. He / she wouldn’t mind if you forget to complete your assignments on time and shout out something like “Hey dude, I didn’t complete the project, you know?” Infact, they get offended if you call him by sir or madam.


5) “Subject Professor” –

This type of professor is focused to complete the syllabus, no other things are entertained. They want you to take notes of each and every word they utter in the classroom. They want to only teach and explain the concepts to you. Sometimes surprise tests, sometimes overloaded with projects, but if you are the one who wants to be the topper of your college / university, then see to it you are in this professor’s good books.

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