5 Valuable Lessons Babies Teach Us About Life



What according to you is the best time or the most wonderful period of Human Race? Or let me make it much simpler….When are Humans the most adorable? Or when do we love humans the most….Any guess? Yes the answer is right…It is our Childhood. It is the time when we are infants or babies…Who on earth doesn’t love babies? If there is anyone then for sure the person doesn’t have a heart. They are amongst those who can put a smile on the sad faces and lighten up their life…even though maybe for a short while.

 When you see little innocent babies when you are travelling in the train or best they simply drag your attention and they are amongst only those humans who cling to people without making any differences among them. With their first step in the world they change the lives of everybody who are connected to them. There is so much of preparations done both before and after their arrival…It is just their face that makes the mother forget the pain she goes through during the delievery.It is their just one sweet smile that makes the father forget the tiredness and makes him smile too. They bring a new life in each and every person in the house where they arrive and that carries on forever…..

With this it is only these Babies that a different from humans as they are unaware of the worldly evils and they have the beautiful qualities that human should learn and imbibe form them…Let us know what are these….

  1. The innocence – This is something we as human should learn from them…the way they are innocent to evil things and so should we do.


  1. Babies do not differentiate – Babies are not like us they do not decide to smile or talk to people based on their caste, religion and colour and this is something we should learn from them


  1. Babies smile without reason– We grow w even forget smiling due to work load or stress and so we have all the sickness in the world. Babies smile even if they are playing all by themselves and this is a quality we should imbibe from them


  1. Babies love unconditionally – We humans are very greedy when it comes to giving love…We give love only if we get in return…Look at babies they love us unconditionally…They do not place conditions like we do when it comes to loving instead they give you love unconditionally…


  1. Babies do not forget their things – Babies cling to their toys forever they do not forget that one toy even if they get many new ones unlike us we forget or are ignore our own friends on purpose.


We teach our kids all those things to make them better humans and we through our own behaviour also teach them differentiation, anger, hatred and many more things. In return they teach us the most beautiful things unless we make  a decision to learn from them.

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