With the ‘Ek Soch’ columns ‘www.bms.co.in’ brings to you one tiny thought for today which will help you make a difference. It isn’t a class on moral values, or a Business Ethics lecture. It is just one very tiny and interesting thought that will be very simple to imbibe and help your conscience on a huge level. This week we have taken up 5 very common yet disastrous habits possessed by all Indians and their impact which classifies them as disastrous.
1. Garbage galore:
For Indians a very common way of disposing off their garbage is by throwing it outside their homes or cars. They just don’t care where it goes ultimately. As long as my home is clean why should I bother? This garbage may accumulate, create a breeding zone for mosquitoes leading to wide spread of diseases but people don’t care.
2. Water, water everywhere but not a single drop to drink!
Yes, that’s very much the condition of many Indian villages because they have n water to drink courtesy their urban counterparts, where house wives use up water filled in the day and throw away the remaining water the next day, to fill up fresh water. We just don’t care about those who don’t get water for days.
3. Open air spitting and defecating:
Indian’s have this peculiar habit of spitting or defecating in the open. Defecating openly is majorly done by the very lower class of the society who need to be taught and made top understand whuy it is incorrect to do so, but Indians from all walks of life spit on the roads or the streets. It is these pan streaked walls and dried spit residues on the sidewalks where insects breed and lead to infections and sickness spreading around the world.
4. Throwing out religious waste into water bodies:
Polluting our own water bodies by throwing away religious waste is a very common Indian trait which has developed across the year due to lack of infrastructure for proper waste disposal. Today times have changed and there is a proper waste disposal system available at lest in cities, but we Indians refuse to change and continue to litter our water bodies.
5. Keep electrical appliances running:
We are either too lazy or too wealthy, that we always waste our energy resources by keeping all our lights, fans and ac’s running even while we are not utilizing the area. The phone may have been removed from the charging point but the charger is always plugged in and the switch is on. Same is with the television which is kept on standby and electricity is wasted. Just give a thought to those who have electricity for only a few hours a week and you will think twice before keeping these switches onn.