5 Very Interesting Facts About CAT 2013 Results


1) There are 8 toppers (male), engineers by profession who managed to score 100 percentile this year.
2) 6 toppers have B.Tech degrees and 2 have M.Tech, 3 have work experience of atleast 1 or 2 years.
3) 10 people have scored 99.99 percentile out of which 1 is a girl.
4) 4 toppers are from Andhra Pradesh, 1 from Delhi and 3 from Mumbai.
5) 3 Toppers who scored 100 percentile are Siva Surya Teja, Abhiram Iyer and Karthik Kumar.
6) Teja (age 24) is engineering graduate from JNTU in Anantapur and works with Infosys in Hyderabad.
7) Abhiram Iyer (age 23) has M. Tech degree from IIT Madras and is from Chennai.
8) Karthik Kumar is a graduate of IIT Kharagpur and works with Oracle.
Looking out for CAT 2013 results? You can log into www.cat2013.iimidr.ac.in to get your results.

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