5 Ways To Get Rid Of Unprofitable, Time Waster and Headache Clients!


firing clients


It is always said that “A client is a client” and it’s your responsibility to maintain good relations with them no matter what.

Every entrepreneur comes across such challenging clients who suck up your time, drain your energy and even company’s resources.

Generally it’s always the client who fires you but it takes guts to let go off a client who causes you nothing but trouble at work.

You really need to make a clean list of the clients you want to serve to make more money and black-list the clients who are major time-wasters – expensive to serve and lead to frustration.

Wondering how to get rid of these headache clients? Here are the top 5 ways to ditch your clients professionally without burning bridges:

1)  Tell them that you had an increase in your own clientele and as a result you are booked for xxx months ahead.

2) Tell them you don’t have resources to take care of their business the way you can.

3) Raise your prices only for that particular client and make him realize value of your work.

4) Never commit anything orally and ask the client to send you an e-mail/written record of his requirements clearly without which you won’t even think of taking ahead the association.

5) Explain him the problems that are caused due to his/her requests and refer him to a competitor who can deliver the same requests at a lower rate. 😉


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