5 Ways To Help You Get The White Denims Look Right


white denims

When it’s time to swap your blues for a perfect pair of white jeans,you have to make sure you do right! Here are ways to pair your white denims perfectly:

1) You can go for a clean slate in FRAME denim overalls, keeping her whole look pristine and white.

2) Playful pairing of ripped skinny jeans with a sophisticated lace blouse makes for one seriously stylish look.    

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Also keep the following in mind:


white nautical

The nautical trend returns year after year and giving a nautical hint to your denim is a classic way to style your white jeans. Think blues, whites and reds along with stripes and blazers and you’ve got nautical chic in the bag.

All White

all white

Head to toe white is HUGE this season! This can be an intimidating trend, but the key to making it wearable is playing with textures. Team your white jeans with a white lace top or a light cashmere jumper to create interest.

 With Print

white n prints

White jeans create the perfect canvas for a daring print. Pair your jeans with a floral print top, kimono or blazer for instant style points.

 All Denim

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Denim on denim is another very popular trend for the summer, which not everyone finds so easy to wear. Introducing colour into your outfit with a classic denim shirt is a great way to wear the trend. A bleached denim shirt will keep your look light and summery.

 Block Colour

white last

Just like print, white jeans work well when they are paired with colour too. Try incorporating different hues of a block colour, like blue, into your outfit for a chic look.

– Misbaah Mansuri





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Riya Lokhande


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