5 Worst Bollywood Movies Of 2014 That Gave A Headache For Any Movie Buff


Worst Bollywood Movies Of 2014

About 201 Bollywood movies were released in the year 2014, out of which some were box office hit while others failed the box office. Here are some of the epic failures of Bollywood of 2014.

  1. Gulaab Gang is an Indian drama released on 10th January film depicting the struggle of women and their fight back against social issues like domestic violence, dowry, rape, electricity and education. This movie has a lot of expectations as it had the comeback of two great actresses Juhi Chawla and Madhuri Dixit on a single platform. The storyline of the movie was society based and received mixed reviews from the critics, but later fell into the controversy of that the story was based on the life of Sampat Pal Devi. The marketing strategies and the sound track of the movie didn’t work in their favor which led to the movie being a huge flop, but as per the critics, it was the best performance of Juhi Chawla.
  2. Humshakals was released on 20th June is a film by Sajid Khan. People expected this movie to be like any other Sajid Khans films as his movies are usually not that great but it’s at least worth a laugh. But Humshakals was simply unbearable and received negative reviews from the critics. The story had no head no tale, and the humor and songs were annoying and made no sense at all. It is one of the worst films ever made in Bollywood.
  3. Bobby Jasoos is a comedy drama film with Vidya Balan as in its lead role. Vidya Balan is a successful actress and gave a couple of hits since the last few years, so the expectations from her movies are high. Although nor the marketing or promotion of the movie was good, the storyline was boring, there was no need for her to take up so many characters, so this movie was also one of the flop films of 2014.
  4. Kill Dill is a crime drama film with Govinda’s come back in negative role. Govinda is a great actor and the favorite of many, so his comeback is likely to attract people. The story of the movie was depressing but Ranveer Singh’s acting saved the movie to a certain extent.
  5. Action Jackson is an action masala film by Prabhu Deva, the dance guru and also an upcoming popular director. The movie having Ajay Devgn as actor and Prabhu Deva as the director build up hopes in people for the movie to be great, but the result was disturbing. The movie had poor storyline, humor, editing and direction, had excessive violence and the double role thing was a serious confusion.

Worst Bollywood Movies Of 2014

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Daisy Pais


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