5 Worst Moments in Sports History


munich air plane

Clint Malarchuk

Ice Hockey is one of the most dangerous games ever. Those skates worn by players are sharp and playing on a thick ice, accidents can happen and the worst was 1989 accident Buffalo Sabers goalie Clint Malachuk throat was accidently cut by Steve Tuttle’s skate. It was a heart breaking moment but eventually due to quick thinking of medical doctor Clint was alive with 300 stiches on his neck.


It was 1985 when two giants Liverpool and Juventus were playing each other in Heysel Stadium, Belgium went on to riot. A bunch of Liverpool fans tried to rush on the fence and the weak roof collapsed killing 39 people and injuring over 600, later Liverpool fans were blamed and all English teams were banned for 5 years from European Competitions.

hillsbourugh disaster


Again Liverpool just after a few years of Heysel disaster, it was FA Cup semi final against Nottingham Forest. It is unbelievable that 96 people died due to overcrowd of huge amount of fans trying to enter into the stadium for the game. More than 700 were injured.

Munich Air Disaster

munich clock disaster

The worst moment in the history of Manchester United came in 1958 when the plane crashed which had Manchester United’s players and staff. The team was getting back to Manchester after reaching the Semi Finals of European Cup semi final. There were 2 unsuccessful take off of the plane but in the third take off the plane hit a player of slush and thrashed to the fence.

Munich Massacre

West Germany was the host of 1972 Olympic Games in which the Israel had also taken part. After a few days a group of terrorists took Israeli athletes as hostage. All the 11 hostages were 11 hostages were killed in a gun fire alongside 5 terrorists at the airport.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.


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