5th year of online CAT exams!


The Common Admissions Test (CAT) 2013 will be held over 20 days between October 16 and November 11, 2013 at a total of 40 locations across India, including new centers at Surat, Udaipur, Trivandrum and Vijayawada.

The vouchers for the test will be available at selected Axis Bank branches from July 29 to September 24, 2013. Applicants can register for the test online for two additional days until September 26, announced Prometric, the test-delivery service provider of the CAT.

Compared to 86 days in 2012, the IIMs have announced the CAT 2013 dates a good 170 days in advance this time. The voucher sale duration this year is 58 days. For CAT 2012, the initial sale duration had been 50 days, which was later extended to 71 days. Nearly 2.14 lakh applicants registered for CAT 2012, of which approximately 84% actually appeared for the test.

The CAT scores are accepted by the Indian Institutes of Management as well as 172 other private and government b-schools including FMS Delhi, the IIT-owned b-schools, MDI Gurgaon, SP Jain Mumbai and others. While applying to the IIMs is free and included in the CAT application form, applicants have to apply to affiliated b-schools separately. Prof. Rohit Kapoor of IIM Indore will be the convenor for CAT 2013. With CAT 2013, the five-year contract signed between the IIMs and Prometric for conducting the CAT comes to an end.

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