6 Amazing “Eid Mubarak” Tweets Trending On Twitter


Twitteraites wish “Eid Mubarak” to everyone who are celebrating Ramzan Eid today. Tweeple wish prosperity and peace to all friends in India and all over the world.

eid mubarak

  1. Eid wishes to every1, with a prayer for all those who don’t have the good fortune of peace in their hometown as I do. #HappyEid #EidMubarak
  2. Eid Mubarak! Prayers for love peace and happiness to all..
  3. Prayers are our weapon.  All Ahmadis should pray.  May Allah bless all Muslims.  Eid Mubarak and Stay Blessed
  4. #EidMubarak to all Friends celebrating today,Wish this Eid cause immense joys for all of you with your families.Thanks all who wish me
  5. Eid Mubarak Everyone.. while enjoying and counting your blessings, please pray for those who don’t have these….
  6. Eid mubarak to y’all out there. I wish you have a wonderful eid with blessings and happiness 😀

eid mubarak 2

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