6 Cool ‘Thorgan Hazard’ Tweets Trending On Twitter



  1. Saying Thorgan Hazard is better than Januzaj is going to make you look like an utter fool. If you think so, then you really are a fool.
  2. I’m sure most people who are saying that Thorgan Hazard should have been selected instead of Januzaj haven’t even seen him play.
  3. Thorgan Hazard is praised by everyone who’s watched him. I can’t imagine him being in the squad next season, but I’d love for it to happen.
  4. Thorgan Hazard has the potential to be as good as his brother if not better, but he’s not ready for the World Cup yet. #CFC #Belgium
  5. Cant believe people are whining about Januzaj being chosen over Thorgan Hazard. He’s a myth and Zulte Waregem is a magical kingdom.
  6. Thorgan Hazard doesn’t make the cut for Belgium’s World Cup squad. He’s amongst the seven on standby. #CFC #loanwatch

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