6 Crazy Reasons Why Philippines Is Your Next Travel Destination



Wondering why should you go to Philippines? Here are 6 crazy reasons will will inveigle you to go there :-

1. Diving:-

Most people who travel to South East Asia get their diving license at one point. If you are into diving then the Philippines is the place to be. The country has some of the best diving spots in the world.

Very famous spots are Coron, Apo reef and Monad Shoal. The last one is the famous Thresher Shark dive.You can go diving on Malapascua Island and it’s absolutely stunning. It’s almost impossible to describe the feeling when numerous 4-5 meter long sharks surround you.

2. The beaches are a Paradise:-

The Philippines has some of the best beaches I’ve ever seen. The water is so blue and makes a beautiful contrast with the white beaches. If you’re looking for postcard perfect places, just visit the Philippines.
3.The hospitality of the people just incomparable:-

Filipinos are the most kind and friendly people, extremely welcoming and curious, but also respectful. They always seem happy and smiling, and they love to sing and to dance whenever there is an occasion to celebrate.They give you such nice vibes and are amazing people to be around!


4. El Nido El Nido is a little town on the island of Palawan. It is a must visit! The town is a bumpy 5 to 6 hour ride from the islands capital Puerto Princessa. It takes you through an amazing untouched landscape. El Nido is surrounded by limestone mountains and the coastal area is dotted with numerous inhabited tropical islands. I recommend you to book a trip to visit some of the islands and spend the night at one of them. Be sure not to forget your snorkel gear! Just hop in the water, put your head under water and

5.To have one of the best shopping experiences ever:-

When you’ll notice all the giant shopping malls in Manila, you will get a feeling that Filipinos must be crazy about shopping. Then you’ll figurec out that shopping is also a way of family gathering for them.
Shopping in the Philippines can be quite a worthwhile experience. The country is known by many as a great handicraft center. Manila has fantastic shopping opportunities.

6.Because here Rum is cheaper then juice:-

Because this astonishing beauty offers really cheap liquor.The prices for booze in Philippines are lower than in most countries.Whenever you order a Rum with juice, you can be sure to get a good mix as the juice might be more expensive than the Rum. A bottle of local beer won’t cost more then 50 cents. Now you know why this has to be your next destination.


– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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