6 ‘Dashiell Hammett’ Quotes


Samuel Dashiell Hammett was an American author of hard-boiled detective novels and short stories, a screenplay writer, and political activist. Among the enduring characters he created are Sam Spade, Nick and Nora Charles, and the Continental Op.

 Dashiell Hammett

Quotes of Dashiell Hammett:

1. I deserve all the love you can spare me. And I want a lot more than I deserve.

2. I’ve been as bad an influence on American literature as anyone I can think of.

3. People always say things like, Oh, well, he was suffering so much that he was better off dying. But that’s not true. You’re always better off living.

4. The roof might fall in; anything could happen.

5. I haven’t any sort of plans for the future but I reckon things will work out in some manner.

6. It’s awfully easy to be in love in jail.



By Shweta Tiwari

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