6 Facts That Every Indian Should Know About AAP’s New Conquest- Legislative Assembly Of Delhi


The Legislative Assembly of Delhi is the Vidhaan Sabha. Here are a quick few facts-

1. The Legistative Assembly dissolves after every 5 years of gap.

2. It has seats for 70 members. Its members are known as MLA (Members of Legislative Assembly).

3. It was first constituted in the year 1952 on the seventh day of month March.

4. The last elections were held this year on 7th of February, and it witnessed a major and a drastic change as the maximum number of seats were taken away by a newly formed AAP.

Last year's Assembly graph
Last year’s Assembly graph

5. The AAP leader Kejriwal is the Cheif Minister of Delhi and has managed to secure a sweeping number of 67 out of the 70 seats.

6. The opposition party was led by Kiran Bedi (BJP) who won 3 seats and Ajay Maken (INC) who won no seats.

Kiran Bedi- The representative of BJP for Elections
Kiran Bedi- The representative of BJP for Elections
Congress totally sunk down with its own mal deeds
Congress totally sunk down with its own mal deeds

AAP has managed to break all the shackles of the tyranny of Indian Politics and has set the winds of positivity and hopes of change. Hope that this party proves to be the RENAISSANCE-CREATORS in the Indian Politics and Development.

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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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