6 Facts That Everybody Ought To Know About The New Age FilmMaker-Majid Majidi


Majid Majidi is an Irani film director, film producer and screenwriter. He is said to be an all-rounder not just because he has all three filming talents in him but because his films are never always of the same type rather each film is of its own genre. Here are few facts on this super-star-

  • Majidi is from an Iranian middle-class family from Tehran.
  • At the age of 14 Majid started acting in theatre groups and also studied at the institute of Dramatic Arts in Tehran. He has also acted in films like Boycott (1985).
Film Boycott Directed By Mohsen Makhmalbaf (1985)
Film Boycott Directed By Mohsen Makhmalbaf (1985)
  • Majidi’s film “Children Of Heaven” was the first irani film nominated for the Academy Award For The Best Foreign Language Film.
Children Of Heaven
Children Of Heaven
  • Majidi was one amongst the group of five directors to be invited by the Beijing Government to make a short documentary film on Beijing for the 2008 Summer Olympics.
  • AR Rahman is to compose for Majidi’s next film.
    A R Rahman with Majid Majidi and Palestinian musical group Le Trio Joubran.
    A R Rahman with Majid Majidi and Palestinian musical group Le Trio Joubran.
    Rehman to work for Majidi.
    Rehman to work for Majidi.
  • Majidi Majid, was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 5th Jaipur International Film Festival.


Few of his movies
1. The Color Paradise

Poster of  'The Color Of Paradise'
Poster of ‘The Color Of Paradise’

2. The Song Of Sparrow

The poster of  'The Song Of Sparrow'
The poster of ‘The Song Of Sparrow’

3. Baran


An interview with Majid Majidi-

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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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