Ex-IPL Chairman Lalit Modi is back. He has been declared the winner of the Rajasthan Cricket Association election, for the post of President in Jaipur today. And after few hours, BCCI has “indefinitely” suspended RCA and appointed an ad-hoc body to run its cricket affairs.
Here are 6 Funny Hilarious ‘Rajasthan Cricket Association’ Tweets Trending On Twitter:
- What is Rajasthan Cricket Association‘s favourite chant at the moment? “Ab ki baar, Modi sarkar”! #LalitModi
- ROFLMAO : I will officially clean up all the mess that Srinivasan has created: Lalit Modi to NDTV
- Slogan of Rajasthan Cricket association– “Abki baar Modi sarkar” #LaMo
- Why is the Rajasthan Cricket Association suspended? Because Modi has been elected I presume. Srinivasan, just F..k off .
- Looks like Rajasthan cricket association took ‘Hum modi ji ko lane wale hai’ too seriously…
- “Modi declared Rajasthan Cricket Association president” Guys C’mon, stop yelling ‘Abki baar Modi Sarkar’. This is Lalit Modi (for a change)
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