6 Home Remedies For Perfect Hair Straightening


6 Home Remedies For Perfect Hair Straightening

Straight hair

Straight hair is something which every girl dreams of. Who says you can achieve this only with the help of a straightner? Here I present you the 6 home remedies which will give you straight hair without any expenses.


  1. Vinegar

Add a small amount of vinegar in a mug filled with water; wash your hair with this once you finished washing your hair with shampoo. Again clean your hair with clean water. Vinegar will make your hair straight and silky.


  1. Olive Oil & Rosemary leaves

Take half cup of olive oil and heat it. Put half cup of dried rosemary leaves in the hot oil. Strain the mixture and allow it to cool down. Massage on the scalp with this oil.  Leave it for half an hour. Then, wash off with mild shampoo. Wrap your hair with warm towel and let your hair dry naturally.


  1. Castor Oil

Take a small amount of castor oil and heat it. Apply this warm oil on your scalp and massage well. Now wrap your hair with warm towel. Wash your hair after 30 minutes. Castor oil helps in straightening hair naturally.


  1. Eggs

Take 3 eggs and whip till they turn smooth. Apply this on your entire hair. Leave it for 30 minutes. Wash off your hair using a mild shampoo.

Straight hair 


  1. Milk & Honey

Take a cup of milk and add 3 tablespoon of honey to it. Add some freshly mashed strawberries to this mixture. Apply this mixture onto your hair. Leave it for 2 hours and wash your hair with mild shampoo. This remedy will give you straight hair naturally.


  1. Celery

Take a bunch of celery and extract juice from it. Store it in a bottle and leave it overnight. Apply this juice all over your hair from root to tip the next morning. Cover your hair and wash them after half an hour.

 Straight hair

Pratice using these remedies on a regular basis to acquire the perfect straight hair. These tips are simple and cost efficient.

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Saloni Shetty


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