6 Interesting Facts That you Ought To Know About The Indian Television and film actress ‘Smita Bansal’


Smita Bansal

Smita Bansal

Smita Bansal is an Indian Television and film actress.She is currently acting in the soap Balika Vadhu in Colors TV.

Here are some interesting facts that you must know about ‘Smita Bansal’:

1. Smita Bansal most notable roles are in the Zee TV soaps Amanat, Aashirwad and Sarhadein.

Here is the image of Smita Bansal:

smita bansal in balika vadhu

2. Smita Bansal has also acted in the 2008 Bollywood film Karzzzz. She also acted in a Malayalam movie Daya directed Venu.

Here is the image of Smita Bansal:

Smita Bansal 2

3. Smita Bansal won ITA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role and Indian Telly Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for her role played in serial Balika Vadhu.

Here is the image of Smita Bansal:


4. Smita Bansal was married to Ankush Mohla on December 8, 2000 and has two daughters with him.

Here is the image of Smita Bansal with here husband Ankush Mohla:

Smita Bansal with ankush mohla

5. Smita Bansal joined the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Smita Bansal said that she has joined the AAP because she could relate to what Arvind Kejriwal said. “When you hear someone speak about what you feel, then you should support him”.

Here is the image of Arvind Kejriwal:

Arvind Kejriwal
6. Smita Bansal said “I am able to relate to what Arvind Kejriwal says and intends to do. It is not about Arvind Kejriwal, it is about the views that he represents. I feel that if we can support his thoughts and intention then we can be the part of change”.

Here is the image of Smita Bansal:

Smita Bansal 3


Smita Bansal Joined Aam Aadmi Party (AAP):


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Soumya Nadar


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