- March Equinox or Northward Equinox or Vernal Equinox or Spring Equinox is equinox (equal night) on the earth where the Sun appears to cross celestial equator heading northward.
- March 20, 2014 is the date (known as first day of spring) symbolic of changing seasons. At precisely 12.57 PM EDT, the Sun will cross directly over the earth’s equator.
- At the equinox, the earth’s 2 hemispheres receive sun rays equally making night and day approximately equal in length.
- People staying in northern hemisphere can notice the earlier dawns and later sunsets for some weeks before the equinox.
- In many places, spring flowers begin to bloom.
- At the equinox, the sun rise due east and set due west point on your horizon which makes the day of an equinox a good day for finding due east and due west from your end for watching the sky.
6 Interestingly Unknown Facts Of Vernal / Spring / March Equinox 2014
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