6 Keys to a Healthy Relationship


 6 keys


Relationship is a very important part of every human beings life. We are born with certain relations who are gifted to every individual. These are the relationships which love, care, protect and teach an individual. While there are other relations which one earns and develops in one’s life. These relations are the ones with which an individual shares and bonds. Whatever the nature of the relations is; it requires adequate amount of nourishment from time to time so that the relationship grows along the journey of life. Here are the 6 Keys to a healthy relationship:-

vFriendship – Friendship is a crucial factor in a relationship. It is an ice breaker between strangers and a lasting bond between 2 individuals. The beauty of friendship is that one individual accepts the other the way he/she is. Friendship is very important for a good relationship as it strengthens and comforts it. If 2 people are friends their relationship can sail through every tide without much difficulty as they would support one another.


vFreedom – Freedom is something we attain from our constitution. We are used to living our life the way we want and enjoy the freedom to live our lives our way. Thus it is become a part of our individuality. Hence it is of utmost importance to have freedom in our relationships too. There should be adequate space and the freedom to do as per one’s will in every relationship. If a person doesn’t get freedom in a relationship, he/she will start to suffocate and become unhappy.


vTrust – It is the bare essence and the foundation of every relationship. No relationship can survive without trust. It is very important to have faith in the other individual. A relationship becomes beautiful if it has trust in it. Trust not only strengthens the relationship but also acts as a protector. Trust ensures long-lasting bond. Trust once lost is very difficult to win back.



vHonesty – ‘Honesty is the best policy’, indeed. This saying applies the most in relationships. It is very important for a healthy and happy relationship. Speaking the truth and sharing is beneficial for the individuals and the relationship. Being honest also means not hiding facts or situations from the other person. Speaking lie would temporarily avert the danger but would cause a permanent scar in the relation.


vUnderstanding – Do I really need to say this? Understanding plays a pivotal role in every relationship as its understanding which makes a relationship and gives it the face it has. Understanding brings 2 different individuals together and ties them in the beautiful bond. In a relationship it is very important to accept the person the way he is and with understanding acceptance becomes easier since it’s about respecting one another’s differences.


vCommunication – Communication is that key which one should never lose in a relationship. It’s only through communication that the other keys can be maintained. Having a communication frequently will avoid misunderstanding and other parasites in a relationship. One must communicate effectively for a healthy relationship.


Use these keys and lock your relationship with those who matter to you.


–         Anjani M Nautiyal

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