6 Lessons BMS Students Must Learn From Mary Kom


Mary Kom

Have you ever heard of Mary Kom? If you haven’t, here is a short summary. Mary kom is a female Indian boxer from a remote village in Manipur, India. She is a 5 times World Champion and the only female player in the world to have won a medal in each of the 6 championship under ‘World Amateur Boxing’ category. Additionally, she is the first female sportsperson to get the highly coveted Arjuna Award for her world class performance in boxing.


  1. Patience is always required for success.

For gaining success, as a BMS student, you need both perseverance and patience. Mary Kom waited for more than a month in the boxing coaching centre to get the opportunity to get trained. After being there patiently for one month, finally the trainer realized her patience and determination to achieve her goal to become a good boxer. A BMS student must keep calm and have patience, only then results will arise.

  1. Commitment

The very first step towards achieving any goal in life is commitment. As shared by the Mary’s coach, nothing can be achieved without commitment. This unbreakable commitment forms the base of her career. The moment you have decided what your goal in life is, and have understood the meaning of your life, commit to it and don’t break the belief. In BMS, it’s very important to set goals and work towards attaining them.


  1. Behind Every Successful Man, there is Woman is not always the case.

We often hear the axiom; behind every successful man, there is a woman, which is not the case with Mary Kom. She is being encouraged by her husband and he is seen standing by too often to make this lady bring back the gold not just one but five times. Her man takes care of everything, right from encouraging her to helping her to bring up her two kids. Basically, women have the power to excel, and as BMS students, you need to value your worth and never give up.


  1. No Pain, No Gain

Without experiencing the pain, how can a boxer understand what pleasure is? The coach clearly tells Mary Kom that without pain, there is no gain. Experience pain to come closer to success. Here, a very important lesson which BMS students can derive is experiencing failure. Pain for a BMS student means getting failed in their endeavours and the importance of this experience can’t be stressed more. Often fear is associated with failure, and we have already stated why this fear is so important for a BMS student.


  1. You can enjoy a successful career despite being a mother and wife.

We often see woman sacrificing their family and social life just for the sake of their career. However, Mary Kom is a wife and a mother that turns out a boxing cup gold medal winner not just for one time but for five times. If you are keen to do something, you can accomplish your dream despite juggling the responsibilities at home.

  1. Undivided Focus on the Game

As the training of Mary Kom initiates, her coach takes her into the ring, and tells her that from now on, her world is not round but this square ring where she needs to fight it out. The game needs her undivided and pure focus and if she is able to provide that, the game is hers. Similarly, while studying and learning, the BMS student often loses the focus and gets distracted by the smaller issues which can be avoided. He should clearly be aware of his mission and vision, and this is focus.



These are a few things you can learn from Mary Kom and the movie played by Priyanka chopra. A BMS student can relate to the movie and take those lessons and apply it in real life.



By Rhea Shetty.


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Rhea Shetty

I started out as a science student,But then I wanted to do something which showcases my creativity and not just book knowledge. So I choose BMS and here I am excelling in every field. BMS is the best decision I have ever made. Hoping to help everyone with my posts.


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