6 Lipcolours You Absolutely Can’t Miss!



Summer days are alot about spontaneous getaways and lazy afternoons, about exotic drinks sipped by the pool and weightless garments floating in the wind, but it’s a hot coloured pair of lips that further adds brightness to any memorable moment. From delicate nudes to bubblegum pinks, and from fiery corals to intense reds, here are the 6 lip colours you need in your makeup kits.

 Dior Rouge Dior Nude Lipstick:


Borrowing from the most delicate of lip blush shades, Dior’s nude lipstick instantly hydrates, plumps and smooths the lips for an elegant finish.

Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Volupté Shine:


A fresh shade of pink gifted with luminous shine, Yves Saint Laurent’s Rouge Volupté in Fuchsia Tourbillon is definitely meant to pop. Keep the dazzling hue to a minimum by pairing with a bare-face make-up.

Burberry Make-up Lip Mist in Camellia Pink:


A subtle hint of pretty pink is what makes Burberry Make-up’s Lip Mist in Camellia Pink an absolute must for the summer. Add it to your repertoire to fully enhance your bronzed, glowing skin this season.

Topshop Lips In Straight Ace:


If you’re thinking of putting lilac on your lips this summer, you should go for it by using Topshop’s lipstick in Straight Ace. Pair it to aqua or turquoise shades for a full take on summer glamour:

Too Faced La Creme Lipstick in Coral Fire:


A fiery coral shade is the synonym of a hot summer day. Pick yours in a rich, creamy texture like Too Faced’s La Creme Lipstick in Coral Fire. If you want to temper the colour, stick to a more natural make-up for the rest of the face:

The BalmGirls Lipstick:


Red is timeless and season-less but if a darker shade best suits the fall and winter days, trust a richly pigmented red to add a dash of glamour to any of your effortless summer looks.


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Riya Lokhande


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