6 Must Know Basic Facts Of Lankan’s Age Old President’s Defeat – Mahinda Rajapaksa


Mahinda Rajapaksa, the 69 year old was Sri Lanka’s President for many years, but then he decided to quit the authoritarian rule and called over elections early. He was an excellent President as considered by his citizens but when the former Health Minister and his friend left elections the tables turned on the wrong side for this Island’s sixth President. He has ruled for almost more than 10 years. Here are few quick facts on this election of his:

1. Although the elections were meant to be held two years later, but he called it now with a view of quick win.

Mahinda Rajapaksa
Sri Lanka Election

2. Srilanka has a population of 21 million people out of which apprx. 1,600,000 were eligible to vote.

President Mahinda Paksa casts his vote

3. Mahinda won elections from the Southern District of Ratnapura with 11,864 votes and Sirisena (the opposition party) had swept 9053 votes.

Mahinda campaigning during elections
Mahinda Rajapaksa Campaigning For Elections

4. From North and East there were many votes against Rajpaksa.

5. At 6.54 am on 9th of January it was officially declared that Mahinda had lost.

6. Leader Ranil Wickramasinghe of Sirisena assured that the transfer of power will be smooth and that Mahinda left Temple Trees which was his house as a President.

Ranil Wickramasinghe
Ranil Wickramasinghe

Here is a video on the election’s situation

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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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