6 Productive Things To Do Online When You Are Bored




We are in 21st century today…things have changed so much…due to technological developments and education. There were times that calling someone in our native required us to go to the STD booth and make a call…while today you can talk to anybody face to face sitting at home due to something called as Internet. The World Wide Web has played a great role in increasing the literacy of the country as now Internet is available to the remotest corner of the country on a cell phone and the best example of this is the Idea IIN advertisement.


Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. People have become much lazier. The Example do is even order food online. You can say our life has become online. We can survive without food today but we can’t stay without our mobile phones. It is because our cell phone constantly keeps us updating about our friends and family as to where they are what they are doing etc. and moreover today we are more interested in other’s lives more than ourselves as that becomes a gossip that can go on whole day or spice in our life. This is all because of internet that we can stay connected with people all around the world just by a gadget known as cell phones.


Our life comes to a standstill if we don’t one day surf on face book, whatsapp or any other social networking sites. We do not have time nor are we interested to know about the person who is staying with us but we are worried about those people on social networking if we by chance don’t talk to them. Is this way of socializing right? Have you imagined that what will happen if all of these social networking sites just come to a standstill or don’t work at all? Is Internet only meant about face book, twitter etc? Internet is a sea of knowledge and information which has other valuable use…Know what to do Online rather than social networking…


  1. You can play really good games which will freshen your mind
  2. You can learn a lot of DIY Stuffs like decorating your house, learning new hairstyles etc
  3. You can watch movies online
  4. You can learn everything and anything E.g. Cooking
  5. You can shop online
  6. You can enhance your General knowledge with the help of internet


These are just few things but Internet is like magical power for us given to us by the US with which we can do great and good thing by using it in the right way. So do not make internet curse by only social networking and doing right things it is a boon for us and so use it that way.

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