6 Reasons why the Average Netizen is Happily Married to Google!


Google, the world’s largest search engine, is truly your wife if you are an internet savy person. Here I present to you 6 very truthful confessions of netizens as to why they take Google to be their wife.

1. Google helps me search for everything under the sun!


Tips for dieting, putting on weight, looking beautiful, committing suicide, how to commit murders and the list is endless. The lay netizen uses Google for almost every daily task. It truly is the most helpful better-half you could have.

2. It completes my words.


Like a romantic soul mate that completes your thoughts even before you say it or the typical wife, who doesn’t let you complete talking! Google suggestion list is at time absurd and strange but usually helpful and saves a lot of time.  Oh my god! Defining the wife aren’t we..

3. It does an automatic spell check.


Just like all your drunken nights, when your wife understands your illogical jabber, Google too takes in all your weird, funny and crazy spellings and gives you the desired search results.

4. It knows everything!


Type your query and press enter, a sea of search results at your fingertips that too with a number of results and the impossibly fast time in which it managed to hunt down the stuff. Just like your wife, who will give you a plethora of solutions, reminding you each time how in an impossibly fast time she managed everything as always!

5. Available in many languages.


Yes, offered in a variety of languages just like the wife’s lecture… in a variety of languages.

6. Create Alert.


With Google you can create an alert for news or updates of any kinds, with your wife alerts regarding forgotten birthdays, anniversaries, dinner with the in-laws and all the other super interesting tasks of your week are rattled out to you time to time.

Truly, Google is the average netizens ideal wife!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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