6 Sad Hurting #Karachi Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter, Facebook


6 Sad Hurting #Karachi Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter, Facebook



  1. Even if RAW did it…it won’t be sending Mohan or Shankar to Safoorah, it would be using Muawiyah or Sufiyan to pull the trigger. #Karachi
  2. While Political Leadership enjoying the Lavish lunch, Military Leadership on its way to #Karachi! @PMNawazSharif @AAliZardari
  3. #Karachi needs an operation against terrorists now! They are the only ones not welcome here, throw them out!
  4. I love #Karachi so much it hurts. & every damn time it hurts more. & it just never ends, this relentless decimation of a great city & people
  5. The ruthless killers are not #Namaloom. Time to wipe out the terrorists from #Karachi. Strongly condemn the attack on Aghakhan community.
  6. Pls de weaponise #Karachi. We can’t afford any more mothers crying for their dead sons.



(P.S. The above messages are taken from social media. We do not endorse or support the same.)

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