6 Shocking Reasons That Proves Smoking Should Be Definitely Banned


no smoking


Smoking is the death that most of us choose for ourselves wherein you not only harm yourself but also those around you. Many people state that smoking relieves stress but it is only for that few seconds but at the same time you are killing yourself. What about that? Don’t we commit a crime by smoking as we also kill that who inhale the smoke slowly and that is a murder though not directly? Who give us the right to kill the innocent lives? To make it a clearer picture let’s see the reasons after which smoking for sure should be made illegal….


  1. Everybody has their own right o choose whether they want to smoke or no? Smoking is a perfect example of such a choice. Wherein even who do not make the choice are harmed by the smoke. So government has the full rights to amend the constitution and make smoking Illegal


  1. It affects the Kids more than anybody else. As they have weaker system compare to the adults. You are killing them without even their knowledge and their Mistake



  1. It also affects the environment very badly. Since a Cigarette making company uses four miles of paper for rolling and packaging the Cigarettes. To make 300 Cigarettes one tree is wasted. So you can just Imagine how many tress are killed in a day (Grins)


  1. Smoking kills 8 Adults a day from lung cancer and 35,000 die due to heart disease every year. There are 300,000 cases of bronchitis and pneumonia every year.


  1. The Cigarette after smoking that is thrown on the ground takes 25-26 years to decompose. The waste damages the environment both by the waste produce by the companies as well as the smoke.


  1. Cigarette contains an element known as Nicotine that is a strong addiction and therefore out of 13 million smokers that try quitting smoking only five percent is actually able to do it.Since the nicotine enters the brain and it changes the structure of the brain and hence whence the nicotine is withdrawn for the brain it actually stops working.


After knowing the harmful effects of smoking on every aspect of life and the way it is ruining human race I am sure together we can come to a decision to ban or make smoking illegal. Some might lose job but we save millions of life which is dying every day due to smoke. We should together only say four words “WE CAN DO IT”

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