6 Signs You Have The Right Team Member For A BMS Project


team member

Projects in college usually are a group project with minimum 5 members. Have you ever had a problem choosing a right team member? Are you Confused between a scholar and a creative person? What are the qualities you must check before selecting a team member? If these questions are bothering you, you must read this article to know a few signs that will help you :

   1.He is attentive in class and knows more about the project.

One of the most important thing you must check is his attendance and his knowledge regarding the subject. If you choose an inattentive student with no information about the project, you will end up sparing more time working on the project and wasting time. It is advised to choose such a student who attends all lectures and who can truly work hard on the project.


2.He has a creative mind and knows how to make good projects.

Creativeness plays an important role in a project. Not all top rankers are creative and smart to make good projects and presentations. He must be having the good presentation skills and he must know how get the work done in minimum time. Choose wisely and not just based on his scores.


3.He is not lazy and he will actually work hard on the project.

He may be the smartest student in class, but if he is not a team player and he is lazy and believes in last minute submission, you will be in trouble. He should know how to manage time and work on the project with full interest.


   4.He cares about his grades and marks.

If he is least bothered about his grades, he won’t be motivated to work hard for the project. He won’t give his 100% in this project and it has chances of failing. Hence choose someone who genuinely wants to excel and make a successful project.


   5.He is ready to spend time on the project and willing to meet outside college.

Choose someone who lives close to your college or locality and who can spare time on the project. Usually in BMS, many students take up internships or jobs which makes it really difficult to spare time for projects and assignments outside college. Hence you must choose carefully.


   6.He must be a team player and not a 1 man army kind of guy.

Team player must be the most important quality you must see in a team member. It doesn’t  matter if he is smart and creative if he doesn’t let you work with him on the project. The “I ME MYSELF” attitude  or a know-it-all mindset won’t work in a team and you must choose such a team member who is ready to contribute equally.

Happy group of students 

Projects are mainly important in the 3rd year and if you end up having wrong team members, you will definitely suffer and score less. You need to choose wisely and make the right selection for your team to excel and make a successful project.


By Rhea Shetty.

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Rhea Shetty

I started out as a science student,But then I wanted to do something which showcases my creativity and not just book knowledge. So I choose BMS and here I am excelling in every field. BMS is the best decision I have ever made. Hoping to help everyone with my posts.


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