6 Sweet Ways To Convince Your Friend When She Is Angry


Convince Your Friend



Friendship is the most exciting part of one’s life, a part filled with laughs, secrets, gossips, fun and lots more and lastly the small little arguments that happens every now and then. And the moment your friend is angry the drama begin…o my god the whole world is on either of our heads,  we start with fighting on something and end up on something else, the topic goes on and on until one ends up getting angry.  Are you stuck in a similar situation, and want to make your friend feel better then use these best ways to convince your friend that you’re sorry.

  1. Confront your friend and have a good conversation

The main reason for any kind of fight is misunderstanding, even though we say we understand our friend at some point we lack at it. So even if it is your fault or not, confront your friend and have a healthy conversation. Communication is the best way to overcome fights and misunderstandings. Do not just let go, keep your ego aside and try your best to solve the situation.

  1. Give an explanation

Every situation has an explanation, it most cases it might happen that your friend must have interpreted the situation in a much different way than should have been or she is been mislead by someone. All you got to do is be honest keep forth your explanation. I’m sure your friend will understand you.

  1. Give time

After explaining your point, give your friend the time to analyze and get herself out of the blunder. Remember time heals all wounds.

  1. Make her realize what she and her friendship means to you

Tell your friend whatever you feel about her within your heart. Make her realize what her friendship means to you and how much you love her.

  1. Tell that you are sorry

Apology is the cure to all wounds, tell her that you dint mean to hurt her but it just happened and you feel sorry for it.

  1. Emotional drama

As friends this is something we all do. By using the formula of emotional drama I too have convinced my friend many times like by saying senty dialogues “abhi aisa karegi na” “itni badi hogayi” “I love you na” “dost dost na raha” etc etc and the dramas are endless. If nothing this will surely work your best friend knows you and your dramas and will surely give a smile listening to stuffs like these. You too may have your own give it a try.


In any relation, fights are very important; it helps to strengthen the bond between people. At times the wounds may be hard to heal, if you feel that your efforts aren’t working out, give space and let your friend come to you even if it takes a long time eventually things will fall back to place. Do not sit with your egos and want your friend to come to you it’s always better to take a first step to solve the situation. If your friend cannot see your efforts than that person does not deserve your friendship, don’t cling on to such a friend there are plenty out there willing to be your friend.

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Daisy Pais


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