India, The place of contrasts and contradiction. It is a piece of land of love, peace, war, affection and many other emotions. Celebrating its 68th Independence Day on 10th August is holistic as well as dynamic nation claimed to be considered as one of the newly industrialized country.
1- A vibrant and diverse historic culture.
To really understand India, one must understand it’s diversity first. There are more than 22 official languages of India and more than 650 different recognized tribes reside in this wonderful country of ours.Protecting our rich heritage is our national duty.We have got a 7000-9000 year history of civilization.Else than that,India in the birthplace of various thinkers, philosophers, scientist , economist , businessmen , etc. Gandhi, Buddha (although technically he was born few miles away from the present Indian border with Nepal), Ashoka, Chanakya (who helped create first Indian empire and his book “Arthasastra” is still a great reading for strategists and planners) and Aryabatta (one of the great mathematicians in India).
2- Indian Cuisine.
Ironically most of the foreigners identify Indian Cuisine with “curry”. Nothing can be more fallacious.With its original Aryan and Dravidian cultures, churned by the influence of visitors and invaders from Central Asia and Europe, food habits and cuisines have evolved over the centuries in India.
3- Emerging economic, scientific and technological power.
It is evident that India is turning out to be one of the fastest growing country not only economically but also technologically, socially, and scientifically. Despite the global meltdown that impacted most emerging market economies, India’s GDP growth of 7.45 percent to 11.90 percent for the current year would make the country the second-fastest growing economy of the world.
4- Birthplace of umpteen religions.
It is the birthplace of the 3rd (Hinduism), 4th (Buddhism), 7th (Jaininsm) and 10th (Sikhism) largest religions of the world. Besides that it is the largest Zorastrian and Bahaii country, 2nd largest Muslim country in the world, 4th largest Christian country in Asia. It is also probably the only place in the world where Jews never faced a historical persecution. Though it is hearthbreaking to say that there are some nasty elements who try out their way for creating differences in vibrant religions.
5- It’s Democratic Nature.
Population with 1.2 billion people is not an easy stage for democratic powers.However, India has been successful in the government as well as private sector and is in process of making it’s own mark. Even though being hugely populated we have a power to kick out our leaders every five years, If we don’t want them.I think that’s one of the best things to be proud of.Unlike other authoritarian regimes which may show a quicker progress but at a higher quality of human cost.So, For me the slow tortoise wins against the dictatorial rabbit anywhere and anytime.
6- The Indian Family unit still survives.
Despite the fact that globalization and westernization has almost changed the world,India stays itself in terms of ethics or rituals. The Indian family unit system still exist in this 21th Century..Can you believe it??Especially in rural areas.However, in urban areas people have started moving out of other in search of a better life. Similarly, parents are bound to stay with their adult kids during their old age. Single parenting is less seen.
I guess, this is one of the topics on which we can write a book. It feels such an immense pleasure to be an Indian and experience this beautiful piece of land created by the Almighty.Lastly,leaving you all with this video.Make sure you watch it. It is one of the best ways to describe how diverse our LAND is!!!
– Vatsal Doshi