7 Accessories A College Girl Must Have For An Instant Glam Makeover


College life… The most colourful and gay phase of our lives. We experience almost everything in these three to four years. Be it love, fights, enemity, deep friendship, events, fests and everything that turns us into a more responsible and mature human beings as we enter in the next important phase of our lives be it employment or marriage. But during our college life we want to look our best; expensive clothes, bags, shoes, make up that turns all eyes over us. So here I’m with some tips that could convert a boring you into a fashionista. These quick fixes could make all girls turn pea green with envy and all boys go gaga over you…


1) Scarf-

This is a universal remedy for making a boring outfit look sophisticated and elegant. Scarfs are unisexual. It can be worn by both girls and boys. For girls, team the scarf with a kurti or shirt to look really awesome and for boys team it up with regular shirt to give that uber cool persona that make girls get awed by your fashion sense.

black heels

2) Black stilettoes-

These are the best to give an instant sexy look to your dress. The higher, the better. They empower us and make us feel confident; ready to take on the world. Who can forget Sonam’s song that says “Jimmy choo ki noke pe rakhi duniya saari hai”. And since it’s black it can be paired with all the shades of the rainbow. So invest in one right now and just be fabulous!


3) Kajal-

This thin stick of magic can do wonders. One stroke and you look like a model from a high end magazine. They give a mysterious yet sexy look to our face. You can apply it below your eye or above, you are gonna look ravishing. You guys can also experiment with the colours available these days, after all, innovation is what we love right?

black jeans

4) Black Jeans-

I seriously don’t think that there is a better innovation made other than our jeans! They perfectly complement our bodies; especially our butts making it look toned and sexy. Team it up with a rag top or a kurti, and you are surely gonna look like a million bucks. Team it up with a belt of a funky colour and voila! You have new party dress. And the colour black , duh! It goes with almost everything! Wink wink!

little grey dress

5) Little grey dress-

Earlier it used to be called as a little black dress, but as human evolve, so does fashion. The colour grey has become the new black and trust me ladies, this colour complements every single complexion present on this planet earth and that’s why it is a must to have in every girl’s wardrobe. For those who don’t wear western dresses, go for a grey kurti or anarkali and you are surely gonna rule the evening.


6) Flat ballerinas-

These are my favourite since they are the most comfortable footwear ever made. For those girls who love heels and travel a lot for college or offices, bellies could be a huge relief for the leg pains that they suffer by wearing those sky high heels for a longer duration. It automatically gives a girl next door appeal to you and it looks fab on anything that you wear. What else do you expect senorita?


7) Pinstriped Jacket-

These look really cool if worn correctly on a given set of clothes. They can also be substituted by shrugs or lace jackets and can be practically worn on any western outfit giving a rock chick appeal. They aren’t that necessary but it adds an oomph factor in your look. Wouldn’t hurt in investing in one right?

Even though there are a myraid of things that you could add to your wardrobe but one thing that never goes out of vogue is your own personality . Create your own fashion, make your own rules and after sometime break them, after all, rules are meant to be broken. Be yourself and you will be the most stylish person in this round world…

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Shabnam Mukadam
Student at Pillais institute of arts, commerce and science. An humble F.Y.B.Com student. Hobbies are reading and writing.