7 Berries You Should Include In Your Diet


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There is a great variety of berries and every berry has its own health benefits. However, there are certain berries that boast huge health benefits and help you stay healthy. One of the best things about these berries is that you can eat them fresh or frozen and reap all their wonderful benefits. You can add them to your oatmeal, smoothies, cookies, pancakes or fruit salad. Here are seven super tasty berries which you should add to your diet.

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1. Acai berries

One of the best berries to incorporate into your daily diet is acai berries. Besides their tart and sweet taste, acai berries are packed with antioxidants, which help combat free radical damage and ward off numerous health problems, including heart disease and cancer. A research conducted at the National Institute on Aging has found that acai berries can help lose weight.

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2. Blueberries

Blueberries boast fantastic health benefits. The berries are high in the anthocyanins that help lower your risk of dementia conditions, and in antioxidant that helps prevent cancer. Blueberries are also rich in fiber, which satiates your hunger while fueling your body and helps lower your risk of heart disease. Since blueberries are good frozen, you can consume them year round.

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3. Raspberries

If you want to raise your fiber intake, you should certainly include raspberries into your diet. Raspberries are incredibly high in fiber that is essential for healthy digestive function and that helps prevent heart disease. Fiber satisfies your hunger, which makes raspberries a healthy and delicious snack. Although the berries are low in calories, you still need to balance raspberries with everything else you consume.

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4. Strawberries

Strawberries boast mega benefits. Strawberries so sweet and tasty and they are great frozen. Despite their red color, the berries have teeth whitening benefits. Strawberries are also a great source of Vitamin C that helps boost your immune system and helps prevent all kinds of illnesses. Add strawberries to your smoothies, cookies, Greek yogurt, fruit salad or eat them raw.

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5. Cranberries

Many people don’t even think of incorporating cranberries into their daily diet, but these little berries offer plenty of health benefits. They help prevent urinary tract infections, promote healthy digestion and can reduce blood pressure. Cranberries are rich in antioxidants, which help to combat cancer and improve cholesterol levels. You can eat cranberries all year long since they are good frozen. If you don’t want to eat the whole berries, you can drink the juice.

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6. Goji berries

Goji berries are an amazing superfood, which is difficult to find, but if you can find these berries, you are in luck. Being native to China, Goji berries have been used for thousands of years as a natural and effective health aid. Goji berries contain essential vitamins, minerals, flavonoids and carotenoids. Researches show that consuming goji berries can help to improve your health, boost your mood, improve your sleep, reduce your stress levels and increase your workout performance.


7. Blackberries

One of the most delicious berries that boast health benefits is blackberries. The berries are great for smoothies and fruit salad and you can also add them to your oatmeal and yogurt. Blackberries are high in Vitamin C and antioxidants, which help to protect your health and prevent all kinds of illnesses. Blackberries are rich in ellagic acid, a nutrient that helps to keep your skin radiant and youthful.

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It’s always a great idea to consume berries on a daily basis to stay healthy and to have a healthy skin.

– Manal Mehboob


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