7 Best Ways To Keep Your Feet At Their Best This Monsoon



 As the monsoon approaches, along with the lovely weather comes the other characteristic of wet, humid and sticky climate which is breeding ground for bacteria and feet disease. So to fight this infection, here are some pocket friendly ways you can keep those feet beautiful all year long

  1. Keep your feet dry as soon as you reach home. Make sure that there is no moisture between your fingers
  2. Wash your feet with antiseptic as you enter your house so as to kill the bacteria and keep away the infections
  3. While going for bath, dip your feet in warm water for 10 minutes. Put some amount of salt or disinfectant in the water
  4.  Even when you are wearing rainy shoes or sandals in this season , it is advisable to wash them on regular basis and make sure they are dry before you wear them next time
  5. Moisturize your feet before going to bed. Don’t moisturize between your fingers as those are closed areas and might be a invitation for bacteria
  6. Keep your nails short. Even if you file them, file them short and see to it that corners are timed properly.
  7. Use anti fungal powder to keep your feet clean and don’t make them stink. Also airing your feet whenever possible is a good option.



– Freny Sachde

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