7 Catholic Sacraments


In Catholics there is something called as 7 sacraments. Sacraments like we all know is a sacred commitment. When you are born in a catholic family, you ought to receive all these sacraments. However it all happens during each stage of life that starts right from your childhood to you death bed.

  1. The very first sacrament is …………… BAPTISM

When a child is born he cannot be defined as a catholic, Hindu or of any other religion. There is no particular religion that a child belongs to. However when a child is born into the catholic family she / he is just an infant. After almost 45 days of the baby being born they are taken to church for the sacrament of baptism. This is a sacrament wherein the baby is taken to the church along with the parents and the family. The godparents are more important people in this sacrament. The god parents take an oath and make a vow to bring up their child in Christian faith. The baby is being put a frilly while dress while the father anoints the baby with holy oil and dips or pours the holy water on the baby’s forehead. Along with the blessing of the parents and the love of god the baby is anointed and a name is given to the little baby girl or baby girl. Thus the chrisining happens in the evening with a small celebration.


When the child grows up and goes into the 1st standard they are sent for Sunday school. Sunday school is actually a religion class that is conducted every Sunday after the Sunday mass. In Sunday school children are taught about prayers and about Jesus Christ. Thus these classes known as catechism class also are very important. At the age is 9 or 10 when the child goes to the 4th standard, they are eligible for the sacrament of Holy Communion. They are trained accordingly and Holy Communion means bread and wine that is shared. They thus receive their first holy communion. As they now grow up and know the vows were taken by the god parents on their baptism are now taken by the children. Once they receive the communion they can further take communion for mass.


After this communion comes the confirmation. Confirmation is another important sacrament that confirms that you are the child of god and now you are no more a child but a mature individual and you know about god. Confirmation is an eligibility of getting married, without the sacrament of confirmation you cannot get married in church. It is a sacrament when the bishops gives his blessings personally and pats on your cheek as a sign of being confirmed along the blessing as he touches the forehead and prayers over the confirmation candidates.


Penance also known as confession. This is more important than the confirmation. As before receiving communion you have to go for your first confession to the priest. Confession is basically a confession of all your sins, failures and shortcomings. As a child also we sin, abuse, back answer all these are sins. When you are 9 you have your first confession thereafter your communion. After receiving your communion it is necessary to keep confessing your sins at regular intervals. Forgiveness is what the lord has to offer. Nothing you confess will make me love you less is what the lord follows. A confession makes your heart feel lighter, takes away all the worries and sets you free from all your sins. However, there is a particular way of confessing every church has a confession box where the priest as the father where you confess all your sins, he doesn’t tell it to anyone as there is a greater sin that he would commit. The priest is not allowed to judge you on the basis of your sins. As long as you are sorry for it and you repent.


Anointing of the sick is a sacrament which is the last sacrament that a person receives before dying. It is different from those of the cemetery rights. The soul is blessed, and prayed by the priest that if at all the sick dies he shall have an eternal life with god in heaven.


Holy orders are a sacrament that is only for priests. The priests do not get married. They live their life for the love of God and give their life to the lord. They dedicate their life for the lord and thus receive the sacrament of holy orders. Even the nuns that live their life for the lord. When the audination is done thus a priest is come into existence. He has received the holy orders. All the sacraments are received by individuals except holy orders for priests and matrimony for the ones who marry.

Matrimony as we all know is called marriage. Marriage is not a formality in our catholic religion but it is a sacrament. A sacrament where two people decide to get married and unite in love. They become one in Christ and in the union of Christ. In marriage they have god himself present witnessing the love and the promise of togetherness that they make. This sacrament of marriage is considered very pure and holy. Even when you unite after marriage is only with the blessings of god and with the motive to love and have a family. There are marriage preparation courses that are being made compulsory in order to receive the sacrament of marriage.

However intercaste marriages are possible but in case one partner is a catholic and the other wishes to marry in church they have to receive these sacraments over a period of one year that includes going for a class in church where they teach you about Jesus so that you can preach and practice Christianity. Thus these are the important sacraments which are the 7 sacraments which is the basis of every catholic.

  • Carren Bryne.

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