7 #CommonwealthGames Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter



  1. Day 7 of the saw India at the 6th position with 27 medals. Hoping to bag some more today!
  2. Gandhiji will be proud that most of our medals at the have come from shooting and wrestling.
  3.  The success stories of some of the athletes from poverty and self motivation are very inspiring,they r the real heroes
  4. So proud of Amit Kumar, Sushi Kumar & Vinesh Phogat for bagging Gold Medals! ! India’s performance looks promising!!
  5. Our officers raising Kenyan flag high in the . Chepkirui (police) gold 10,000m, mwangangi (prisons) Gold 5000m etc.
  6. Rashid Anwar would have been a proud man today! Was the 1st person to bag a Commonwealth Medal for India in Wrestling!
  7. Indian wrestlers,shushilkumar,Amitkumar and Vinesh won Gold medals in Glasgow . Congratulation to my india

By Ravi Agnihotri

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