7 Effective Tips To Develop Strong Communication Skills


Strong Communication

Communication is essential to achieve success in many aspects of life. Nowadays many jobs require strong communication skills over education qualification. This is because communication is essential to connect with people, resolve differences, build trust, create environment for creative ideas and also to build a bond. Understanding how to communicate can be an important productive tool. To become effective communicator you need to keep in mind few of these tips.     

  1. Reading skills: Communication requires use of better words and phrases which can come through reading. Reading will introduce you to better understanding or words, new phrases and even new stories. You can read anything novels, books, daily newspapers or reading something from the internet. No matter what you read but reading is a must.
  2. Non verbal cues: Communication also means use of non-verbal cues that includes wordless communication or body language like facial expressions, body movements and postures, eye contact. The way you walk, talk, look, listen, move and react talks more than just words. So developing these non verbal skills with help you connect to people in an effective manner.
  3. Listening skills: Listening is one of the most important aspects of effective communication. It not only means listening to words being spoken but also how they are spoken and understanding the meaning and information behind it. While listening focus on the reader, empathise with people and avoid being judgemental, don’t think whilst listening.
  4. Stay confident and positive: If you are confident about yourself and you’re positive about the information that you have no one can stop you from being a good communicator. When things do not go the way you want, stay optimistic and learn from your mistakes, when you are confident and positive your audience will receive the same positive vibes from you.
  5. Watch your words and tone: While communicating words and tone plays a very important role. Avoid being aggressive while talking to someone. Look for your tone, be audible don’t be too loud, do not mumble within your mouth, speak slowly but clearly, make use of simple words and phrases.
  6. Keep the audience in mind: While communicating, be aware of the people’s emotion you’re connecting to, and be sympathetic. Appreciate others positive landmarks and do not be afraid to ask for opinions and suggestions. Offer word of thanks, make them feel wanted and valued to be a part of your communication process.
  7. Practice: In order to be a good communicator, one requires constant practice. Some people practice by talking amongst themselves or front of the mirror. You too can have your own way of practising.

There is a saying “You may have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get it across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere”. So make the best use of these communication skills to effectively get across your brilliant ideas to the world.

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Daisy Pais


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