7 Essential Stress-free Rules for a Successful Life


Stress is your body’s response to certain situations. Stress is a subjective. Not all stresses are “bad”; for example, graduating from college may be considered a “good” stress. Stress can affect your physical health, your mental health, and your behaviour. Your heart rate increases, your brain works faster and becomes razor sharp, you have a sudden burst of energy. This response is natural and basic. Stress overload, however, can have harmful effects. You can’t run away from stress but you can avoid the situation which will lead to stress. Here are some rules that will help you cope up with stress.

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Rule no. 1: Keep track of what stresses you the most. Keep a daily journal and record when something causes you undue stress or anxiety.

Rule no. 2: Set Limits.Set priorities around the groups you’re most passionate about learn to say no when you absolutely cannot take on anything else.

Rule no. 3: Be Active by exercising. Regular exercise improves your mood and naturally lowers the symptoms of anxiety and stress.

Rule no. 4:Make a to-do-list and prioritize  tasks which needs to be done in near future

Rule no. 5: Talk to your spouse, children, parents, friends, and co-workers. Be open to their advice and help. It’s possible they have faced similar situations and have information than can be of benefit to you.

Rule no. 6:Avoid situations which stresses you the most.

Rule no. 7:Stop Procrastinating.





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