7 Famous Quotes Of ‘Mahesh Bhupathi’ On Sports, Education


Mahesh Bhupathi 1

Mahesh Bhupathi was born on 7th June 1974. He is an Indian professional tennis player. He became the first Indian to win a Grand Slam tournament with Rika Hiraki in 1997. He also won at the Australian Open mixed doubles in 2006 and joined the elite group of 8 tennis players who achieved a career Grand Slam in mixed doubles.

Mahesh Bhupathi 2

Here we present 7 Famous Quotes Of ‘Mahesh Bhupathi’ 

1. The first match we were down match point in the super tiebreaker. The fact that we fought hard and came out of that, we knew we were a good team. Since then we got better with every match.

Mahesh Bhupathi


2. You have to work on your weaknesses, but you have to work on your strengths even more. After all, returning well is one of my chief responsibilities on a court.

Mahesh Bhupathi


3. What is important is that we won. We badly needed to win to stay in group 1 to be in a position to take a shot at the world group.

Mahesh Bhupathi


4. Most Indians go into education. Their parents just push them into education like parents in Australia push them into sports.

Mahesh Bhupathi


5. “I don’t think tennis is a glamour game, not at all.”

Mahesh Bhupathi


6. “I don’t think there’s any dearth of talent in India – we’ve always had the best juniors in the world.”

Mahesh Bhupathi


7. “The mentality we have in India is not very sporting.

Mahesh Bhupathi



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