7 Funny Hilarious #JayaVerdict Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter, Facebook


jayalalitha verdict

1) t#Jayalalithaa: DMK has not been able to defeat me electorally hence they tried to put an end to my career through other ways


2) In TN… “We will see a change from PaneerBhurji… to AlooPalak”… says a wag… LOL! (Eat while its still free)..
3) I love how family oriented India is. Amma Acquitted. Bhai on Bail.
4)  You hv to be special to get bail in 4Hrs.U hv to be special to acquitted after lower court charges you.INDIA Is the Great.

5) 34,000 pages of evidence in 18 yrs to convict Jayalalithaa. Crores of tax money spent on courts & police. Big joke on public?

6) There may be many Chennai Super Kings but after her acquittal,Jayalalitha has proved she is the one & only Chennai Super Queen

7) Basic Qn: If Judge 2 overturns Judge 1’s ruling, does Judge 1 get penalized? After all his/her judgment was WRONG. Isn’t it?

(Disclaimer: The above messages are taken from social media. We do not support or endorse the same)

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