7 Funny Hilarious ‘Yami Gautam’ Trolls, Memes, Jokes Trending On WhatsApp



Taylor Swift: If you are lucky enough to b different, never change.

#YamiGautam : White Please xD


Yami Gautam drives at night with no
headlights. Her brightness is enough.


Humans have two types of blood cells:
1) Red Blood cells
2) Yami Gautam blood cells


Whenever Yami Gautam visits USA ,
she stays in ‘White House’ as Obama
always says ‘Yami, Ise Bas Apna Hi
Ghar Samjho’.


Swiss Bank has Black Money. Other banks have Yami Gautam Money.


“Doctors are recommending kids to stare at Yami Gautam pics to prevent vitamin D deficiency in them.


Who is the Brightest Star? Ans. Sun?
Hell neah! It’s Yami Gautam .


Between two Oreo biscuits, there is Yami Gautam !

1 2 3 4 5 6

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