- An Indian news anchor has been sacked for saying Xi Jinping as Eleven Jinping ….Big LOL !!!
- This is incredibly creative “The Indian broadcaster that called Xi Jinping ‘Eleven Jinping’ was fired
- Doordarshan sacks newsreader for reading Chinese President Xi Jinping‘s name wrong
- Didn’t know that a Doordarshan newsreader a) called XI Jinping “eleven” and b) got sacked for it. Hilarious.
- Doordarshan’s news reader reads Xi Jinping as Eleven Jinping. It must be one of the most hilarious mistake of her life.
- That’s like Bush saying Kim Jong #2 instead of Kim Jong Il ” “Eleven Jinping.” Newsreader in India fired over Xi Jinping blunder
- XI Jinping demanded Kejriwal as return gift They want to show the world that there is something that lasts lesser than Chinese products
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