7 Helpful Tips To Crack TYBMS Project Viva Exam By Aman Vora




1) Once you know the viva exam date and who your external viva examiner will be, find out information about them so that you are familiar with the examiner style.

2) Read your project few days before so that you know everything about the project.

3) It is better to be prepared well in advance rather than becoming shocked when the examiner finds any fault or mistakes in the project.

4) Prepare responses or answers to the expected criticism for the findings or conclusion of the project.

5) Read examples on internet or books of the important topics covered in the project so that you can quote them for your defence.

6) Most asked questions are : What did you like or do the best in the project? , What would you do differently if you had to redo the project again?, How is the project going to help in future?. 

7) Prepare yourself well so that you do not appear nervous in the project viva exam and discuss your project work calmly.


By Aman Vora (BMS Graduate 2013-14)




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