7 Home Remedies To Get Those Shiny Nails


I know how annoying it is when you are all dressed up and your nails are just so brittle and lifeless which takes down your whole appearance. All we want is healthy and shiny nail and not by spending money on manicure and stuff all the time. But you don’t have to…..!!

Here are 7 Home Remedies for Shiny nails-

olive oil

1)      Olive Oil:

Oh don’t even ask me how many wonders this oil can do, but what you would want to know is this is the Oil that you must have in your kitchen for your health and Shiny nails. Just massaging your nails with warm Olive oil does the trick.


2)      Baby Oil:

If you don’t have Olive oil, and have baby oil instead; it’s fine. Baby oil can be used in the similar way.


3)      Lemon:
Applying lemon juice to your nails helps them become whiter and cleaner.


4)      Avocado & Rose water:
Apply these two wonderful things to get that glossy pink nail look at home.


5)      Cucumber:
Either rub thin slice of cucumber or cucumber juice to your nails for shiny results.


6)      Petroleum Jelly:
It is not only good for your lips and skin, but also moisturizes your nails. Apply jelly over your nails twice daily-after bath and before going to bed. This procedure not only gives instant shine, but also gradually strengthens your nails making them look fuller with a glow.


7)      Water:

Yes water! Drink and drink and drink lots of water. It helps to clean your system internally. And of course, beauty comes from within. So the more you drink water, the better for you and your nails.


Wow…!! Getting that glossy pink nails at home is not that difficult as I thought it would be.  Try these simple home remedies and flaunt those shiny nails.


– Harshali Amin


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