7 Inspirational Quotes Of ‘DeWitt Wallace’ To Lift You Up When Life Is Hard

DeWitt Wallace was born Nov. 12, 1889, in St. Paul, Minnesota. He began an index of favorite magazine articles while he was a college student, and he developed the idea of Reader’s Digest, a pocket-sized digest of popular articles, while recuperating from World War I wounds. The Wallaces published Reader’s Digest themselves and had rapid success. DeWitt Wallace served as editor until 1965.

DeWitt Wallace

Quotes of DeWitt Wallace :

1. The dead take to the grave, clutched in their hands, only what they have given away.

2. The dead carry with them to the grave in their clutched hands only that which they have given away.

3. Addison DeWitt: Your next move, it seems to me, should be toward television.

4. What does one tell a husband? One tells him nothing. 

5. I know what love is. It’s understanding. It’s you and me and let the rest of the world go by.

6. My dear Mrs. Reed, sometimes in my profession there comes a contest of wills between the doctor and his patient.

7. I don’t feel you can help me. You’re very wise, you know a great deal, yet when you speak of the soul, you mean the mind.


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