7 Inspiring Quotes Every Entrepreneur Must Live By


As we all know being an entrepreneur is like sitting in a roller coaster ride- full of ups and downs. You never really know what is going to happen tomorrow. But being prepared for anything is a wise man’s decision. Starting your business is crucial and building it to make it to the mountain top is quite strenuous. However, perseverance, motivation and inspiration are some essentials that help you in your way.

Here are 7 Motivational Quotes every entrepreneur must live by:

vince lombardi

You will never win if you walk off. The more you keep, the more success is running away from you

Thomas Edison

Entrepreneurship is all about struggle and perseverance. This famous quote says it all. If you feel like you have lost or failed to do something, remembering Edison’s quote can lift your motivation and inspire.

Donald trump

Always think big. As thinking is free of cost and energy it’s always important for entrepreneurs to think big about their startup’s future.

wayne gretzky

Look forward for success. Whatever has passed is not going to return. What matters is the future that is ahead of you.

John Wayne

Courage is something all entrepreneurs must have. It is when you derive great success for your venture. Even, pivoting needs courage.

henry ford

What you think is what you get. If you think you will lose, surely you will. Think right and positive. 


This is somewhat similar to the above one. If you do not prepare a plan or way of achieving success, you are surely going to fail.

Motivate yourself by keeping these quotes in your head and go on to achieve great success! 🙂

-Vatsal Doshi

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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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