7 Interesting Facts About Aussie Bucky – Chris Rogers That You Must Definitely Know


Chris Rogers

Christopher John Llwellyn Rogers (Chris Rogers) is an Aussie Cricketer from Sydney and is of 37 years old (born on 31st March 1977) left-handed opening Batsman. Here are a few facts that you must know about him-

1. He used to play initially for Western Australia and later joint Victoria in 2008.

Chris while playing for Victoria
Chris Rogers

2. He has also played Country Cricket in England from Derbyshire (as a captain), Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Middlesex.

Chris Rogers Middlesex CCC 2013 pre-season interview at Lord’s

3. Although being an amazing player he couldn’t play for Australia’s National Team until he turned 30 and played in 2008 as an International Cricketer against India.

4. His cousin Ian Rogers is a chess grandmaster.

Ian Rogers-
ian rogers

5.He is also nick-named as ‘Bucky‘ or ‘the Sandman‘.

6.Chris Roger also earned fame with his amazing catch while playing against India in 2008.


7. Recently it was said he is to retire after Sydney test against India for his Country and also said “You never say never, but I kind of looked at the future and thought the England series and what England has meant for me would be a nice way to finish. So, hopefully I can get through to the Ashes. But if this is the last one then it’s definitely not the worst one to go out on.You get to a point where touring can be quite difficult. Playing a lot of cricket can kind of get to you a little bit in the end. So, I’m looking forward to maybe new challenges as well, but they can wait for the moment”.
Chris Rogers
Chris Rogers
Chris Rogers

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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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