7 Interesting Reactions To World Press Freedom Day On Twitter




3rd May 2014 is World Press Freedom Day. Do we really have freedom of speech? Find out what twitteraites have to say:

  1. On World Press Freedom day I salute all journalist around the world and particularly those who lost their lives on duty
  2.  Are we really free to express our opinion + thoughts on ? 
  3. A world that is free…FREE FROM FREEDOM…only few realizes this but this is reality.
  4. If Laughing for 5 minutes adds 3 days of your Life span, Does that mean Rahul Gandhi in Amethi nd speeches making us Immortal?
  5. I remember people laughing at me when I was a kid as I went and Pressed a two-wheeler because it had “PRESS” in front of it:)
  6. World Day! country with least degree of press freedom was Eritrea, followed by North Korea, Turkmenistan,Syria,Iran and China.
  7. RIP to all journalists who laid down their lives for the truth. Your legacy lives on.

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